There are many airline credit cards available today, but it is up to you
to earn the most miles/points possible. You will find how to earn
bonus miles, use business expenses to your advantage, and how to turn
normal purchases/budget expenses into miles/points. Let's discuss in
more detail how to maximize your card's earning potential.
Bonus Miles/Points
airline credit cards will give a new card holder bonus miles for
choosing their card or even give double miles/points when you purchase
airline tickets. A little investigation into what each card offers
before applying can save you not only in interest and fees, but in
actual miles/points as well. In fact, some airline credit cards offer
as much as 25,000 miles just for choosing their card! A little research
in this area will definitely be to your advantage in getting the most
miles/points as quickly as possible.
Double Miles/Points
avenue of quickly adding mileage/points to your account is by receiving
double miles/points for airline ticket purchases. Check to see if the
airline credit card companies you are interested in will double
miles/points for the purchase cost of a regular ticket charge. If you
travel frequently due to business or for personal reasons, these types
of miles/points credits could really add up quickly.
Business Expenses and Tickets
a business owner, you can use your airline credit card for business
expenses and earn miles to help offset the expense of your employees'
airline tickets for their business trips.
For personal
benefit, another approach is to charge business expenses to your airline
miles credit card that will be eventually reimbursed by your employer.
When you receive your travel check from your employer, make sure you
pay the balance owed by the due date and you will have miles/points
earned for a well-earned vacation!
Earning Maximum Miles/Points and keep the Interest Costs down
Since many airline miles credit cards have a higher interest rate than
other cards, to most effectively use your airline credit card without
running up unnecessarily high interest charges:
1) Use your card
to purchase as many items as possible; including paying off your monthly
bills without going over your usual monthly expenses already budgeted;
2) Immediately pay off any balances when your airline credit card statement arrives.
What will this accomplish?
1) It will credit your account with the maximum miles/points without incurring the high interest rates;
Since you are earning miles/points quickly, you can enjoy the reward of
going on more trips or to a more exotic destination than by just
occasionally using your airline miles credit card.
are so many ways you can reap the rewards of your airline miles credit
card, from saving money for your business expenses, finally being able
to take that dream vacation, to bringing home your child from college or
living far away . . . unlimited uses . . . unlimited dreams . . .
is up to you how quickly your reward miles/points add up. These ideas
are very simple, but if used correctly will give you maximum benefits
with minimal costs. Here is a quick checklist for your reference: 1)
Research alone can add up to 25,000 miles on your new card; 2) Add some
miles from airline ticket purchases; 3) Business expenses–either actual
business or personal business can be used to offset future business
expenses or used to enable personal trips. 4) Finally, converting simple
costs of daily purchases/budgetary expenses into miles/points will give
you countless opportunities to earn miles and points. I think you will
definitely find that these methods will enable you to earn miles and
points quickly with your new airline credit card.
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